dc ev charger

China EV Charger Manufacturer
- Official Supplier of Fortune 500 Olectra SVĚT

TKT je čínský výrobce nabíječek EV, který integruje design a výrobu. We support OEM and ODM of AC chargers and DC chargers.

We are the official supplier to the renowned electric bus manufacturer BYD-Olectra. The first batch of fast EV chargers we’ve provided has already exceeded two hundred units.

pan. Dinesh, Chief Electrical Engineer, stated, ‘The use of TKT EV chargers at our bus stations has proven to be an excellent decision. Their performance and reliability are truly commendable.

TKT EV Chargers Products

TKT EV charging solutions are used in a wide range of scenarios: automotive manufacturer, EV fleets, dálniční obslužné oblasti, komerční parkoviště, pracovišť, čerpacích stanic, homes, atd.

stejnosměrné rychlonabíjecí stanice

New DC EV Chargers | 120kW - 240 kW

New for 2024, optimized internal structure and charging module for excellent safety and durability.

výrobce stejnosměrné nabíjecí stanice

Classic DC EV Chargers | 80kW - 200 kW

Classic model with stable performance, affordable price and quality verified by top 500.

Rychlá nabíječka Wallbox DC

WallBox DC Chargers | 20kW-80kW​

Two installation forms: nástěnné a stojací, flexibilní instalace.

AC nabíječky EV

AC nabíječky EV | 7kW - 22 kW

Vhodné pro domácí i komerční použití. 3 barvy k dispozici. Vodotěsný stupeň až IP65.

Moderní továrna TKT

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