This article focuses on the technical characteristics and future market prospects of DC ev chargers. Whether you are looking to make a purchase for your company or an investment, this article is worth a careful read.

I. Global Development Trend of Electric Vehicles

DC EV chargers are one of the necessary supporting equipment for an electric vehicle. It is like a gas station is to a fuel vehicle. It is an important cornerstone for the development of a new generation of transportation.

The global trend of electric vehicles has changed significantly in the past two years, and global sales are rising sharply. 2023: global electric vehicle sales exceeded 13 million units. 2020–2023 average compound annual growth rate of more than 60%. According to TrendForce, in the second quarter of 2024, global sales of new energy vehicles reached 3.769 million units. This figure represents an increase of nearly 30% from the first quarter and an annual growth rate of 24.2%. The demand for EV charging stations is huge under the trend of hot development of electric vehicle industry.

Hoje em dia, the global climate is warming up and vicious climate disasters are occurring frequently. Environmental protection and energy saving must be the future trend. Although the exact time is not yet known, it is an irreversible trend. Electric cars and electric car chargers use new energy and they are greener. This is very important to protect the earth and human beings.

Therefore both from a business perspective and an environmental perspective, DC ev chargers are a very good investment opportunity.

II. Wide Range of DC EV Chargers Scenarios

Charging an electric vehicle takes a certain amount of time to complete. Therefore it has a lot of derived scenarios. These scenarios cover all aspects of life.

Fleet: Bus Fleet, Cab Fleet, Truck Fleet

These commercial vehicles need to be recharged frequently, and the faster the better. 240kW DC commercial ev chargers can dramatically shorten the charging time and improve operational efficiency.

Suitable for people: government, fleet owners, etc..

Highway Service Area

Electric vehicles usually need to be charged in highway service areas during long-distance driving. DC EV chargers can meet this demand. This type of charger is extremely fast charging, which can greatly shorten the charging time. It can reduce the waiting time of the customers and start the journey quickly.

Suitable for: government, highway managers, etc..

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